I have no idea why any band would spend time working on a double album filled with fluff.
Ideally you could take 60% of Mezmerize and 20% of Hypnotize and turn it into a full album that wouldn't be terrible. There is garbage filler all over this thing ("Kill Rock 'n Roll", "She's Like Heroin"), and even more songs featuring Daron in a lead role that he can't handle. Favourite genre of music: Metal, Cyber Punk, Indus, Indie blablabla. "Vicinity of Obscenity" is so bad it's good. The shoehorning of Daron into a lead vocal role was a mistake as well, and it only gets worse with Hypnotize. verb mesmerize mez-m-rz also mes- mesmerized mesmerizing Synonyms of mesmerize transitive verb 1 : to subject to mesmerism also : hypnotize 2 : spellbind I found myself mesmerized by the grandiosity of it all Arnold Plotnick The crowd was mesmerized by the acrobats. However, unlike S/T and Toxicity before them, neither STA or Mezmerize seem particularly serious about anything ("Chic 'n' Stu", "Cigaro", "IEAIAIO", "This Cocaine.").

Mezmerize and STA both rely heavily on Serj's vocal range, bizarre lyrics, and really hammer home the frenetic pacing of songs they perfected on Toxicity. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed for the duration. Mezmerize is a similar album to STA in ways that I didn't hear during the first go-round, and I think I may bump the rating on that album as a result. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern must make a Wisdom saving throw. Mezmerize is way more interesting than Hypnotize and it's not close. Revisiting this and Mezmerize today hoping maybe I learned something about music in 15 years. We have all voted to start this petition in the hopes that the band sees this and releases the unreleased songs from Mezmerize and Hypnotize.

I filed SOAD away in a cabinet, because as far as I was concerned it was over. These albums did absolutely nothing for me then. In 2005 I listened to Mezmerize a handful of times and Hypnotize exactly once. I've been following SOAD for a long time, and felt the wheels starting to come off after STA.